Family Constellations & Creative Constellations
Restoring Balance to the Ancestral Web
Family Constellations is a powerful approach to healing deep-seated trauma within yourself and your ancestral lineage.
We all carry within us behaviors and thoughts passed to us from our ancestors. Often those were caused by traumas, which may have been forgotten over time. Recent scientific research shows, however, those traumas may unconsciously shape the generations that followed. Our genes can store up to 7 generations of inherited memory.
Family Constellation work invites you to see your present life challenges as a part of a bigger picture. It accesses the most difficult dynamics in your family ancestry- as well as the most nourishing and meaningful- and supports your capacity to release family entanglements, old belief systems, and generational trauma.

Caroline Kleindienst is a certified Family Constellations facilitator trained by world-renowned Systemic Family Constellations practitioners Dan Cohen, PhD and Emily Blefeld, LICSW.
Caroline's unique and creative approach to Constellation Work includes working with spiritual archetypes, ancestral consciousness, indigenous earth wisdom and the expressive arts.
Sessions are available online and in person.

“The Greater Soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate.”
~Bert Hellinger, Founder of Family Constellations
A Family Constellation session will support you to:
Heal your current life issue at its source
Restore balance and find peace in your family “field”
Find your place of belonging
Reconnect to the natural flow of life and love
Break free from the shadows of old family patterns for your individual self and future generations
Discover your true self and experience new freedom to express your own heart’s desires and visions
To learn more about healing generational trauma: